Hello Everyone!
I recently found this website, called 30 Day Fitness Challenges, and I have decided to try and tackle the "30 Day Beach Body Challenge" as a bit of fun. There is an app for this, which looks amazing (but I've seen some bad reviews, saying it's "buggy"), and it comes at the price of £2.29. If you think you will be keeping up with this, I'd say go for it and pay the small fee! Also, can I add that I am no way doing this to loose weight or anything like that, but if you are good for you! Another quick thing, be sure to check the website out before attempting this challenge!
I recently found this website, called 30 Day Fitness Challenges, and I have decided to try and tackle the "30 Day Beach Body Challenge" as a bit of fun. There is an app for this, which looks amazing (but I've seen some bad reviews, saying it's "buggy"), and it comes at the price of £2.29. If you think you will be keeping up with this, I'd say go for it and pay the small fee! Also, can I add that I am no way doing this to loose weight or anything like that, but if you are good for you! Another quick thing, be sure to check the website out before attempting this challenge!
Image Courtesy of 30 Day Fitness Challenges
I'll let you know how it goes every so often!
Love From The Blogging Box xxxx